Pricing Done Right - A Talk With Dr. Tim Smith, CPP
Pricing is so much more than putting numbers on quotes or associating them with products. Pricing includes aligning one's pricing strategy their business strategy, defining a competitive price reaction plan, setting target prices, managing price perceptions, managing price discounts, and executing all of this with accuracy and speed.
How do leading organizations get all of this right?
Click the image below to listen to our talk with Dr. Tim Smith, CPP "Pricing Done Right"

About Tim Smith:
Tim J. Smith, Ph.D., CPP is the founder and CEO of Wiglaf Pricing, an Adjunct Professor of Marketing and Economics at DePaul University, and the author of Pricing Strategy and Pricing Done Right. Pricing Done Right has been called “essential reading” by CEOs. Pricing Strategy has been described as “the most comprehensive pricing strategy book.” Tim began his career in quantum mechanics before his interest in transferring technological advances to societal implementations led to pursuits in business strategy. His focus on pricing is a natural culmination of his deep love of mathematics and lifetime enjoyment of selling.
Tim is a featured presenter during the Fall Pricing Workshops and Conference event in Dallas, TX!
Click the image to learn more & register for the Fall Virtual Pricing Workshops and Conference event #PPSVirtual20