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The 2021 Fall Virtual Conference EvenT: Recap of pricing excellence

Below are the survey results from our #PPSFVC21 attendees and notes from PPS President Kevin Mitchell.

Well over 300 attendees from more than 100 companies joined us for the Professional Pricing Society’s 2021 Fall Virtual Conference from October 12-15. This was our third Virtual Conference and our first with a new visual platform. Sincerest thanks to our partners from across the globe: our member companies, our attendees, our speakers, our sponsors, and the PPS Team for all that you did to make our event such a great experience. We miss connecting with everyone in person, but our Fall conference did offer four great days of educational workshops, informative breakout sessions, inspiring keynotes, and interesting networking discussions. Please search #PPSFVC21 on LinkedIn and other social media for pictures, blog posts, reactions, and other information. As a reminder to our attendees, we recorded all of the keynotes and breakouts – you have until January 12, 2022 to view the recordings from your PPS Member portal. Many conference attendees took advantage of our post-conference surveys to give us their feedback and recommendations regarding our event. PPS relies on your feedback for future event planning, so please feel free to reach out to me directly with your thoughts.

The 2021 Fall Virtual Conference received very positive reactions overall and here are some of the highlights:

• Overall, the 2021 Fall Virtual Conference received very good ratings with a 4.01 average rating on a 1-to-5 point scale. o 81.3% of respondents rated the Virtual Conference either “Very Good” or “Excellent.”

▪ No one rated the 2021 Spring Virtual Conference as “Poor,” but one respondent rated the event as “Fair.”

All of the Certified Pricing Professional full-day Workshops received very high ratings of at least 4.00. Our most highly rated workshops were: o Ofer Levi and Ian Tidswell’s “Powerful Commercial Price Policy” Lydia Di Liello’s “The Art of the Win: How to Negotiate with Anyone and Get Your Way”

All 6 Keynote Addresses were also very well-received with scores of at least 4.00 on a 1-to-5 point scale. The highest rated keynotes were o Stephan Liozu’s “Pricing: The New CEO Imperative” (4.52) o Holly Krafft’s “Analytics for Business Success: Are You and Your Leaders Asking the Right Questions?” (4.43)

• Breakout Presentations were exceptionally well-received, with average ratings of 4.38 on a 1-to-5 point scale and no ratings below 4. The following breakout presentations received scores of at least 4.65: o Scott Miller’s “From Steel to Silicon: Pricing in the B2B Digital Era”

Benjamin Garden’s “Leveraging Analytics to Identify Pricing Opportunities in B2B” o Avy Punwasee’s “Pricing in Inflationary Periods” and o The Infusion Panel’s discussion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion featuring Hillary Gretton, Katie Wei, Susana Lopez, Kalpana Sundar, and D. Keith Pigues moderated Dr. Michael Tatonetti.

Additional Conference events received more mixed ratings in the “Good” to “Very Good” range, again on a 1-to-5 scale:

  • The Overall Conference Agenda was rated 4.03 o PPS Customer Service received a 4.47 rating

  • Attendees felt that our event offered a Very Good (3.88) Value for the Price Paid

  • Networking only received a 2.91 Rating with several attendees noting that it was more difficult to network in a Virtual format.

  • We received lots of positive and constructive qualitative feedback as well: o Our attendees appreciated the ease of use and connectivity of our new virtual event software

  • Several attendees demonstrated a strong liking for the diversity of participants and speakers, with an influence on practitioner experiences.

Attendees appreciated that all keynotes and breakouts are recorded for OnDemand viewing, and several attendees expressed strong desires to return

to in-person meetings and fatigue with Virtual formats.

Thanks to everyone that joined us and supported the 2021 Fall Virtual Conference.

We value your feedback and suggestions, and we will continue to work hard to ensure that our events are a great investment for you and your team.

Stay tuned for more information about 2022!

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